Sunday, April 1, 2012

Latest carving (a commission)

This carving is my latest creation. I created this based on a customer's request of a carving of a friend who was retiring. The customer wanted the subject's favorite teams, as well as his favorite avocations (NASCAR, Nike, etc.). I think it turned out pretty well, if I don't say so myself. However, the glasses were difficult to create. The subject had glasses without the frame on the bottom, so creating glasses that came close was not the easiest thing to do.
I will let you know after I deliver to the customer whether they like it or not. Wish me luck!
Update (April 7, 2012): The customers loved it. So do I!


  1. Nice! They are really great, Eric. I especially like the bushy mustached man. He reminds me of a friend I know. I plan on giving him your site to check out. Good luck. Kathy

  2. Thanks, Kathy! I enjoyed carving him. He is one of my favorites.
