Since I have been down with shoulder surgery (rotator cuff), I have not been able to do any real, major carving. I can hold something in my hand and do light carving that does not involve the shoulder. Watching our club get involved in a small 4" Rufus style (Mike Shipley and Harold Enlow style) carving at the April carving club meeting, I was envious of the carving club members who were having a grand time being taught by Gene Fuller and Larry Crist, our resident instructors for this small project. So I grabbed 2 of the blanks, and decided I would carve at home, if I could, and see what I could do. And if not, they would still be there when I was ready. These two are the ones I turned out. One is painted, and the other is not, but will be soon (post to come later).
Anyway, it was not too hard to do. Not too much gripping, although I had to hold on to it so it did not slip out of my hands. How many times has that happened? So, until I am released by the doctor, and feel comfortable, it will be a while until I am back to some serious, heavy carving, probably just in time for summer (I hope!). But for small projects of this type, I can muddle through in small measures, remembering not to pull the shoulder and not to strain too much. Boy, it's hell getting old! Thanks for tuning in and listening! See you next time!
Monday, April 3, 2017
Wow! I did not realize it had been since November since I posted. Lots of things going on in our lives. We sold our old house (losing my shop in the meantime) and bought a newer one in a much nicer neighborhood. In addition to that, I have had to have shoulder surgery to repair a torn (split in half, actually) rotator cuff, as well as a torn bicep muscle. So my carving has gone by the wayside. I have been drawing, so I can get started on my new projects sometime in the near future. I will have a recovery time until at least the end of April. Then I have at least 3 months of therapy to get the proper strength and movement back in my shoulder. Anyway, I should be back up soon. In the meantime, I shall have to post some of my drawings or other things I am working on. Having 6 weeks off of work has given me a new and fresh perspective on retirement. I will honestly say, I can't wait until retirement. I will have plenty to do and not having to punch that old time clock day after day will be a blessing. My wife and I have some contemplation to do to make sure we are prepared, financially, for retirement, but both of us are excited to do this. Of course we have a few more years, but that gives us enough time to prepare for it and make sure we should be OK in terms of not having to be put in the poor house. Talk to y'all later.