I thought I would post some new pictures since it has been a while. I have been busy carving some commissions and getting ready for the Boise Christmas Show, December 5-7 at Expo Idaho. Getting some ornaments done has been keeping me busy, as well as preparing for carving classes at Woodcraft. I will teach a class at Woodcraft in January, which will be a 4" figure of a minion from "Despicable Me". Then in February, I will teach a Community Ed class, at Woodcraft. That class will be a shelf sitter, a shelf elf.
Anyway, here are some of the latest carvings I have completed.
These three wise men are for a Nativity scene for my sister-in-law. Last year she received Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.
These three gnomes are for a possible class later in 2015. They are woodcarving gnomes. Two of them have walking sticks, which have faces carved on the sticks. Small carvings like these faces on a stick are a challenge, but we all need challenges in our lives. Carving small faces will certainly do that.
I will have to let you know if I am successful at our Christmas show. I have yet to find a venue in which I have more than barely covered my expenses. Only one craft show made more than a moderate amount of money. I will have over 200 carvings on hand for this show, so hopefully I can be successful in selling some carvings. If nothing else, I will get my name out there for those who want to learn, as I will be advertising my classes, and for those who want to purchase some commissions.
One can only hope. But then selling art is always a challenge. But I enjoy the carving, and if I pile them up, eventually I will just have to give them away.
Have a great day!